How to write a summary/abstract

Front page

The front page should contain:

  • Title of the work/paper
  • Title and name of authors
  • Address and contact information
  • Summary/Abstract
  • Key words

Title of the work/paper Title of the paper is centered at the top, in capital letters, Times New Roman 14 bold, not more than two lines. The title should clearly imply the contents, and if it is not possible, then there should be a sub-title below the title.

Title and name of authors Below the title is the full name of the author, with a footnote that will contain information on the scientific/academic title of the author, institution the author comes from and his/her e-mail.

Abstract  Short abstract in Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian and English language, contains 100 to 250 words. Segments of the abstract are: goal of the research, methods, results and conclusion. Abstract is written in Times New Roman italic 11 pt.

Key words  Below the abstract give 10 key words. Do not give abbreviations. Key words will be used for indexing purposes. Key words are typed in TNR 11 italic.